Friday, July 3, 2009

Without a roof but not without a Facebook Page

Homeless Folks Getting Reconnected Through Facebook, Twitter July 3, 2009
Although the homeless may not have physical mailing addresses, they want to have virtual ones through free social networking sites. Featured in a profile by the Wall Street Journal, 37-year-old Charles Pitts administers Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter pages, and runs an Internet forum on Yahoo, all despite living under a bridge in San Francisco. The executive director of Central City Hospitality House in San Francisco estimates that 50-percent of the visitors to its free computer center are homeless.
I've been wanting to write about how to use Facebook as an engagement tool but the field is mixed as to whether or not it is appropriate. Obviously everyone should lock personal profiles and should not "friend" clients but there is disagreement as to whether or not there is value in creating a professional profile.

Some say that a professional profile can be a great tool to connect with clients:
  • You can post status updates that say where you are and when you'll be at the shelter/drop in/office so your clients know when you are available,
  • You can send people reminders for appointments via private message,
  • You can see what your clients may want you to know but don't want to tell you,
  • and you'll seem "hip" since you know what is going on with technology.
Others say that under no circumstances should staff use Facebook with their clients:
  • Boundries are easily confused on the internet,
  • Confidentiality is at risk because others can see that your clients friended you and any wall posts or comments you make are public,
  • and is is just too easy to blur the professional with the personal.
If you do decide to start a professional profile here are some things to remember:
  • Do not friend clients on your personal page under any circumstances,
  • Only friend clients back; do not initiate the first contact beacuse this can make them feel coerced into friending you,
  • Be cautious not to reveal consumer status when making wall posts or comments (you may want to make it a personal rule to only send private messages with your professional account),
  • Talk to your colleagues first to see how they feel and if there are any confidentiality issues or program rules that you would be violating by creating a professional Facebook page.
An alternative to making a professinal Facebook page is to make an organizational page like Youth On Fire. Because it isn't attached to one person boundaries aren't such an issue and it's a great way to get the word out about events and hours of operation.

If I were working in direct care I would advocate for the use of professional Facebook pages but I'm a twenty-something blogger so of course I'm going to advocate for the use of technology. Many programs are going to need time to get used to the idea and someone to help them understand the importance of connecting with their client base in this way. And the best selling point is that it is FREE!

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